Home Tips & Tricks Mastering the Art of Real Estate Descriptions: Do’s and Don’ts

Mastering the Art of Real Estate Descriptions: Do’s and Don’ts


Real estate agents are the jugglers of the business world, combining versatile skills to navigate the complexities of their field. Beyond the fundamental abilities of knowing numbers, working with people, and closing deals, successful agents often possess additional skills that can set them apart. Web design, graphic design, digital marketing, and writing skills are among the extra tools in their kit.

In this article, we will focus on the significance of writing skills, particularly in crafting compelling property descriptions. A well-written description can be the key to attracting potential buyers, while a poorly executed one can leave a listing lingering on the market for longer than necessary. Let’s explore the do’s and don’ts that can make your real estate descriptions not just good but effective in generating responses.


1. Keep it Short and Sweet

When it comes to real estate descriptions, the principle of “Keep it Short and Sweet”. Long paragraphs can turn off potential clients, and too few words might not catch their interest. The key is to aim for a brief paragraph that tells the property’s highlights without overwhelming the reader. This way, you’re giving them the important info without making them feel like they’re reading a whole novel. By doing this, you increase the chances of grabbing the attention of potential buyers. In a market where people have short attention spans, keeping it concise is a smart way to make your property stand out.

2. Inject Some Personality

Make your property description memorable by adding a personal touch. Spice it up with humor, relatable content, or a touch of personality. It’s not just about how casing the property’s unique features; it’s a chance for potential buyers to get a feel for what it’s like working with you. Creating a personal connection through your writing can leave a lasting impression.

Imagine giving your property its distinct personality. Whether it’s a clever quip, a relatable story, or a dash of humor, these elements make your description stand out. It’s more than just walls and floors; it’s about forging an emotional connection. This personal touch helps potential buyers see beyond the structure – it helps them envision a potential home. So, don’t shy away from letting your personality shine in your property descriptions. It might just be the secret ingredient to making a lasting impact on those who read them.

3. Add Photos

In the world of real estate descriptions, the advice to “Add Photos” is crystal clear. It means you need pictures. But not just any pictures – high-quality ones that show off the property’s best features. Take the time to snap appealing photos, and if needed, get help from pros or use apps to make them even better. Why? Because, in today’s digital age, people’s eyes are naturally drawn to pictures. These visuals are like a virtual tour for potential buyers, helping them imagine living in that space. So, if you want to catch the eye and interest of buyers, good photos are your secret weapon.

4. Focus on the Positives

It is all about highlighting the good stuff. Even if a property has some challenges, skilled real estate agents know how to turn them into strengths. They use positive phrases like “Great investment opportunity” or “Good shell” to catch attention. The key here is finding the right balance between being honest and upbeat. This way, the property description grabs people’s interest without giving them the wrong idea. Skilled agents know how to make a property shine, even when faced with challenges, making sure potential buyers see the best side of things.


1. Make Grammar and Spelling Mistakes

In real estate, the little things can make a big difference. Paying attention to details is crucial, especially when it comes to grammar and spelling in your property descriptions. Even small typos might not seem like a big deal, but they can give off an unprofessional vibe. So, before you share your description, take a moment to give it a good proofread. Better yet, use some editing software to catch any sneaky errors.

Elevate your real estate game with a description generator. These tools can generate content for your listings that’s flawless and error-free. They’re a time-saver and ensure your descriptions always look polished and professional. In the competitive world of real estate, where first impressions are everything, having clean, well-written property descriptions can make you stand out. It’s like making sure you’re putting your best foot forward in the digital space, where every word counts. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, making sure your property descriptions are error-free is a smart move to make a positive impact on potential buyers.

2. Make Assumptions About Your Potential Clients

 When it comes to mastering real estate descriptions, a key rule is “Avoid assumptions.” This means steering clear of statements that might exclude potential buyers and being mindful of diverse backgrounds. For example, don’t assume everyone has a family by saying, “This home has a large backyard where the kids can play.” It’s about being inclusive and considerate to broaden your appeal.

The reason behind this guideline is simple: everyone’s different. People have various living situations, preferences, and needs. Making assumptions about who your potential buyers are can turn them away. Using neutral and inclusive language ensures that your property description is open and welcoming to everyone. This not only shows professionalism but also aligns with the values of diverse communities. In a competitive real estate market, being inclusive is not just about being polite—it’s a smart business move. It helps you connect with a broader audience and increases the chances of your property standing out and getting noticed by potential buyers.

 3. Give Too Much Information Away

When you’re crafting real estate descriptions, the tip “Don’t Give Too Much Information Away” is all about finding the right balance. Sure, being honest is crucial, but you don’t want to overwhelm potential buyers with every single detail. Think of it like the blurb on the back of a book – it’s there to grab your interest without giving away the entire story. So, provide the essential info, but leave room for curiosity. This way, you’re not spilling all the beans in the description; you’re giving buyers enough to spark their interest and make them want to know more about the property.

4. Go Overboard

A critical piece of advice is to avoid exaggeration. This means resisting the urge to oversell a property using over-the-top language. The warning is clear: labeling a kitchen as “phenomenal” when it’s just “okay” can lead to disappointment and a loss of trust from potential buyers.

The reason behind this guidance is pretty straightforward. Buyers in the real estate market are sharp, and they can spot exaggerations. So, it’s crucial to keep it real. Honesty and accuracy should be the foundation of your property descriptions. By painting a truthful picture of a property’s features, you build trust with potential buyers. This trust is essential for a successful client-agent relationship, establishing your credibility in the market. In today’s competitive real estate landscape, where authenticity is prized, steering clear of exaggerations isn’t just a suggestion—it’s a strategic move that can make all the difference in building lasting connections with clients and ensuring successful transactions.

Closing Thoughts

In the real estate game, good communication is a game-changer. Writing descriptions for properties is not just about sharing info; it’s an art. Following the do’s and don’ts in this guide can turn your writing skills into a secret weapon. Your listings won’t just inform; they’ll grab attention and attract potential buyers, especially in a market where competition is fierce.

Mastering the art of crafting impactful real estate descriptions is like having a superpower for success. It’s the difference between a listing that blends in and one that stands out. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the real estate world, working on your writing skills can make a real difference.

This skill is about more than just words; it’s creating a story that captures the imagination of potential buyers. A well-crafted description is like a virtual tour, helping people see themselves in that property. It forms a connection, making a house more than just a listing – it becomes a potential home. So, take the time to polish this skill – it can boost your real estate game, making you a standout in a world where good communication is the key to success.

Rahul Agarwal, Co-founder, and Chief Business Officer at Styldod, has graciously contributed this guest post for HousingInteractive’s Tips and Tricks category.


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